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    • 音乐人生 2020-06-22 08:21 08:21

    Survival of Patients with Stage I Lung Cancer Detected on CT Screening

    BackgroundThe outcome among patients with clinical stage I cancer that is detected on annual screening using spiral computed tomography (CT) is unknown.
    MethodsIn a large collaborative study, we screened 31,567 asymptomatic persons at risk for lung cancer using low-dose CT from 1993 through 2005, and from 1994 through 2005, 27,456 repeated screenings were performed 7 to 18 months after the previous screening. We estimated the 10-year lung-cancer–specific survival rate among participants with clinical stage I lung cancer that was detected on CT screening and diagnosed by biopsy, regardless of the type of treatment received, and among those who underwent surgical resection of clinical stage I cancer within 1 month. A pathology panel reviewed the surgical specimens obtained from participants who underwent resection.

    ResultsScreening resulted in a diagnosis of lung cancer in 484 participants. Of these participants, 412 (85%) had clinical stage I lung cancer, and the estimated 10-year survival rate was 88% in this subgroup (95% confidence interval [CI], 84 to 91). Among the 302 participants with clinical stage I cancer who underwent surgical resection within 1 month after diagnosis, the survival rate was 92% (95% CI, 88 to 95). The 8 participants with clinical stage I cancer who did not receive treatment died within 5 years after diagnosis.

    For baseline screening, a positive result on the initial low-dose CT scan was defined as the identification of at least one solid or partly solid noncalcified pulmonary nodule 5 mm or more in diameter, at least one nonsolid noncalcified pulmonary nodule 8 mm or more in diameter, or a solid endobronchial nodule. If none of the noncalcified nodules identified met the study criteria for a positive result or if the test was negative, CT was repeated 12 months later. The diameter of the nodule was defined as the average of the length and width of the cross-sectional area of the largest nodule in the CT images. The consistency of the nodule was defined as solid if the nodule obscured the entire lung parenchyma, partly solid if it obscured part of the lung parenchyma, and nonsolid if it obscured none of the parenchyma.11 If the result was positive, the type of workup depended on the diameter of the largest nodule. For nodules 5 to 14 mm in diameter, the preferred option was to perform another CT at 3 months; if the images showed growth of the nodule,then biopsy, ideally by fine-needle aspiration, was to be performed, whereas if there was no growth, the workup was stopped. The other option was to perform positron-emission tomography (PET) immediately, and if the results were positive, biopsy was to be performed; otherwise, CT was to be performed at 3 months. For nodules 15 mm in diameter or larger (whether solid, partly solid, or nonsolid), immediate biopsy was an option in addition to the options already specified for smaller nodules. When infection was suspected, a 2-week course of antibiotics followed 1 month later by CT was an alternative to all the options mentioned, and if no resolution or growth was observed, biopsy was to be performed; otherwise, the workup was stopped. For all participants for whom the workup was stopped or for whom the biopsy did not lead to a diagnosis of lung cancer, CT was to be repeated 12 months after the baseline CT.

    For annual screenings, a positive result was considered to be any newly identified noncalcified nodule, regardless of size. If no new nodule was identified, CT was to be repeated 12 months later. If one or more new nodules were identified, the workup depended on the diameter of the largest nodule. If all nodules were less than 3.0 mm in diameter, or if the largest nodule was more than 3.0 mm but less than 5.0 mm in diameter, CT 6 or 3 months later, respectively, was to be performed. If no growth was seen in any of the nodules, the workup was stopped. If at least one of the noncalcified nodules was 5.0 mm or larger in diameter, then an immediate 2-week course of a broad-spectrum antibiotic was prescribed, followed 1 month later by CT. If the nodules showed no resolution or growth, biopsy was to be performed; otherwise, the workup was stopped. PET was an alternative to immediate biopsy; if the result was positive, biopsy was to follow. If the result was indeterminate or negative, CT was to be performed 3 months later, and if the scans showed growth, biopsy was to follow. Otherwise, the workup was stopped. For all patients for whom the workup was stopped or when biopsy did not result in a diagnosis of lung cancer, CT was to be repeated 12 months after the previous annual CT.

    A total of 31,567 asymptomatic men and women underwent baseline screening between 1993 and 2005 (median, 2001). The participants, who were 40 years of age and older, were at risk for lung cancer because of a history of cigarette smoking, occupational exposure (to asbestos, beryllium, uranium, or radon), or exposure to secondhand smoke without having smoked themselves; in Azumi, Japan, they participated as part of the annual health screening program. All participants were considered fit to undergo thoracic surgery. A total of 27,456 annual screenings were conducted between 1994 and 2005 (median, 2002), each of which was performed 7 to 18 months after the previous screening. At baseline, the median age of the participants was 61 years (range, 40 to 85), and the median number of pack-years of smoking was 30 (range, 0 to 141); on annual CT, the median values were an age of 62 years (range, 41 to 86) and 35 pack-years (range, 0 to 141). Among the participants, 13% (4186 of 31,567) who underwent baseline CT and 5% (1460 of 27,456) who underwent annual CT had a positive result that required immediate further workup. A biopsy of a pulmonary nodule as recommended in the protocol was performed in 535 of the participants with a positive result on the baseline or annual CT and led to a diagnosis of malignant disease in 492 of the participants (lung cancer was diagnosed in 479 and lymphoma or metastases from cancers other than lung cancer in 13) and no evidence of malignant disease in 43. The diagnosis was classified as having been identified during baseline screening when the nodule was first identified on the baseline CT, even for cases not meeting the criteria for a positive result, regardless of when the diagnosis was made. When the nodule was first identified on an annual CT, it was attributed to the annual screening. If the result on the baseline or annual CT was negative and a diagnostic workup was subsequently prompted by suggestive symptoms (or incidental findings) before the next scheduled annual CT, the finding was classified as an interim diagnosis. To fully document interim diagnoses of lung cancer, the protocol required that each enrolled participant who had not returned for the next scheduled screening be contacted 1 year after the previous screening. If contact could not be made either directly or through relatives of the participant, the referring physician was contacted to ascertain whether a diagnosis of lung cancer had been made.
    以上为无症状参与者的研究结果,其中无症状参与者的中位年龄为61岁,中位吸烟量为30包年,31,567 人中有535人确诊肺癌,即1.69%。研究方法及结果分析都比较详细,应该可以看看。

    Of the 484 participants who received a diagnosis of lung cancer, 412 (85%) had clinical stage I lung cancer. In this subgroup, the estimated 10-year survival rate regardless of treatment was 88% (95% CI, 84 to 91); as of May 2006, 39 of these 412 patients had died of lung cancer. Of these 412 participants, 375 had undergone surgical resection (284 lobectomy, 60 wedge resection, 21 segmentectomy, and 10 bilobectomy); 29 did not undergo resection but received chemotherapy, radiation, or both; and the remaining 8 did not receive treatment. Figure 2 also shows the lung-cancer–specific survival rate among the 302 participants who underwent resection within 1 month after diagnosis, among whom the estimated 10-year survival rate was 92% (95% CI, 88 to 95). All eight untreated patients died within 5 years after diagnosis.


    Survival of Patients with Stage I Lung Cancer.pdf

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