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    作者: 健康全记录

    根据美国外科学会ACOSOG Z4032/Z0030研究的定义整理如下:

    局部复发(Local failure,local recurrence ):

    1.  原发灶邻近的肺组织,支气管残端,邻近支气管残端的肺门。[Adjacent lung parenchyma, bronchial stump, or in the hilum adjacent to the bronchial stump].

    2.  以下用于局限性切除的病例,如肺楔形切除术。

    2.1  复发位于原发肺叶的切除线 (局部进展,local progression);[Recurrence within the primary tumor lobe at the staple line (local progression)];

    2.2  复发位于原发肺叶但远离切除线 (累及肺叶失败,involved lobe failure)[Recurrence within the primary tumor lobe away from the staple line (involved lobe failure)]

    2.3  复发位于肺门淋巴结(Recurrence within hilar lymph nodes.) 

    区域复发(Regional failure,Regional recurrence):

    1.  复发部位在与支气管残端不连续的肺门组织,纵隔,胸壁或者同侧胸膜;[hilum separate from bronchial stump, in the mediastinum, chest wall,or ipsilateral pleura].

    2.  复发位于手术同侧其他肺叶,或者在同侧纵隔或者隆突下淋巴结。[defined as recurrence within another lobe on the same side as the resection or within ipsilateral mediastinal or subcarinal lymph nodes].

    远处转移(Distant failure,Distant recurrence):

    1.  对侧胸腔,对侧纵隔或者肺门淋巴结,或者远处器官转移。(Distant recurrence was defined as recurrence within contralateral, mediastinal, or hilar lymph nodes or distant metastatic disease.)

    校对;小全  2019年11月3日


    1.  Impact of Brachytherapy on Local Recurrence Rates After Sublobar Resection: Results From ACOSOG Z4032 (Alliance), a Phase III Randomized Trial for High-Risk Operable Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. JCO. VOLUME 32 NUMBER 23 AUGUST 10 2014





